This weekend was crazy. It started with a dress rehearsal on Saturday morning for our Easter program a church. For those of you who don't know me, I play clarinet in the church orchestra (or I should say I attempt to play). I also sing in the church choir sometimes too, if I am not playing that particular Sunday. Then I attended a ladies luncheon, also at my church, on Saturday afternoon. It was absolutely wonderful. Everything was so pretty. Our guest speaker was a friend from my old church, Jennifer Walker. I didn't know that Jennifer had moved, so it was really good to see her. If you are looking for an uplifting blog to refresh you soul, you might want to check out Jennifer's blog called "Smelling Coffee". Jennifer is one of the most inspiring people you will ever meet and she is a fabulous speaker and conference leader. Then after all of that, I came home and mowed our 1+ acre yard and did some other yard work. I was exhausted. On Sunday the orchestra played as part of our Sunday morning worship and then I was home for what seemed like a few minutes before I had to be back at church for our Easter music progam. The program was very nice and the choir sang beautifully.

I haven't stamped a thing this weekend, but I have one final project from leadership conference to show you. I have been saving my favorite for last. I am sorry, but I don't really have the instructions for this project. It just came together and before I knew it, I had to mail if off. What I do remember is that I let the Big Top Birthday DSP take center stage. I based all of my measurements on the scallop strip from the Tasteful Trims die. I wanted to make sure that each section of the lid had exactly three scallops, so I scored the paper accordingly and worked backward. All of the little embellishments were cut from paper in the collection. The banner is stamped with the Sale-a-bration set "Outlined Occassions". I think this box would be really cute on top of a round birthday cake.
Just a little note: I am going to take a couple of weeks off from my blog to spend time with my family over spring break. Don't worry, I'll be back soon.