Many of you are asking "What exactly is My Digital Studio Software and how does it work?" I have prepared a mini seminar on how to create a card in MDS. The seminar is approximately 21 minutes long, so you may want to set aside some time before playing it. This is a new adventure for me and I am working out all the kinks with the software that allows me to do screen capture. The video is done in "real time" which means that you will see everything I do on the screen as I do it.
Please be patient with me as I try to navigate through the process of preparing these videos to share on my blog. This mini-seminar is absolutely free and you can watch it at any time, just like any of the other videos on my blog. The file is much too large to view on YouTube, so I have chosen a different provider. I would love to know what you think of this video. Please leave me a comment after watching and tell me if you would like to see more videos of this nature. The software is expensive and I don't want to invest tons of time and money if there is only a minor interest. If all goes well, I will be preparing additional videos with actual projects that you can create with My Digital Studio....
Hopefully, this is working now...there were a few problems but I think I have it corrected now.